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Human Skeleton System

Human Skeleton System with Labelled Diagram I Saeed Ur Rahman Academy
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So, why is this chapter importance in exam point of view? Well, did you know! There are about many lakhs students will appear for the exams in India and from abroad every year ?
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Introduces Human skeleton System:

Welcome to our detailed lecture on the skeletal system, the framework that provides structure, support, and protection to the human body. In this lecture, we will delve into the anatomy, functions, types of bones, and disorders associated with the skeletal system, uncovering the intricacies of this essential system.

Anatomy of the Skeletal System:

1. Bones: 

The skeletal system consists of bones, which are rigid organs composed of connective tissue, mineralized matrix, and bone marrow. Bones vary in size, shape, and structure, serving various functions in the body.
Complete Lecture

2. Joints: 

Joints are points of articulation between bones, allowing for movement and flexibility. Joints can be classified into three main types: fibrous joints (immovable), cartilaginous joints (slightly movable), and synovial joints (freely movable).

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3. Cartilage: 

Cartilage is a firm, flexible connective tissue found in areas such as the nose, ears, and joints. It provides cushioning and support, reducing friction between bones and absorbing shock during movement.

3. Tendon:

Tendon that binds muscle to bone.

4. Ligament:

Ligament that binds bone to bone.

Functions of the Skeletal System:

1. Support: 

The skeletal system provides structural support to the body, maintaining its shape and preventing collapse.

2. Protection: 

Bones act as protective shields for vital organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, and spinal cord, reducing the risk of injury.

3. Movement: 

Bones, in conjunction with muscles and joints, facilitate movement and locomotion, allowing for walking, running, grasping, and other activities.

4. Mineral Storage: 

Bones serve as reservoirs for minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone strength and integrity.

5. Hematopoiesis: 

Bone marrow, found within certain bones, is responsible for the production of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, in a process called hematopoiesis.

Types of Bones:

1. Long Bones: 

Long bones, such as the femur and humerus, are characterized by a tubular shape with expanded ends (epiphyses). They primarily function in support, movement, and leverage.

2. Short Bones: 

Short bones, such as the carpals and tarsals, are roughly cuboidal in shape and provide stability and support to joints.

3. Flat Bones: 

Flat bones, such as the skull bones, ribs, and scapulae, have a thin, flattened shape and serve as protective shields for internal organs and sites for muscle attachment.

4. Irregular Bones: 

Irregular bones, such as the vertebrae and facial bones, have complex shapes and serve specialized functions in the body, such as protection and support.

Disorders of the Skeletal System:

1. Fractures: 

Fractures are breaks or cracks in bones resulting from trauma, overuse, or pathological conditions. Common types of fractures include closed fractures (simple), open fractures (compound), and stress fractures.

2. Osteoporosis: 

Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease characterized by low bone mass, deterioration of bone tissue, and increased risk of fractures. It is more common in older adults, particularly postmenopausal women.

3. Arthritis: 

Arthritis is a group of inflammatory joint disorders characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness, and decreased range of motion. Common types of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.

4. Scoliosis: 

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine, typically occurring during adolescence, and may lead to back pain, postural changes, and functional impairment if left untreated.

Warning notes ⚠️

important Notes

People also ask:

What is difference between ligament and tendon on the bases of attachment?

Ligaments attach bone to bone, and tendons attach muscle to bone.

What is difference between ligament and tendon?

Ligaments and tendons are body tissues that are essential to our movement. Ligaments are fibrous connective tissue that connect bones to bones and serve to hold structures together, while tendons are fibrous connective tissue that attach muscles to bone or other body structures..

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Conclusion on skeletal system and Thank You:

In conclusion, the skeletal system serves as the framework of the human body, providing support, protection, and mobility. By understanding the anatomy, functions, types of bones, and disorders associated with the skeletal system, we gain insights into its crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. As we continue to explore the complexities of the skeletal system, let us appreciate its significance in providing structure and support to the human body.
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